If you are a seasoned online marketer, you are probably aware there are differences between visitors to your website with absolute unique visitors, page views with unique page views, and clicks with visits. However, for someone starting out, hearing or reading these terms may be confusing. This is why an explanation of the differences in terms is beneficial. At least by learning the differences, it will better help you in your marketing.
Trying to understand the difference between visitors and absolutely unique visitors may be hard at first. However, it really isn’t once the two terms are explained. Absolute unique visitors are referred to as anyone who visits your site. If someone comes to your site, that person is counted as a visit. If he leaves and comes back, but after 30 minutes, it is a new session and that visit is considered unique. If the visitor leaves and returns before 30 minutes then the visit is considered a repeat. Keeping track of visitors may be important to you especially when measuring metrics or testing landing pages.
A pageview is when a person views a page of a website. This page has to be tracked by Analytics to be counted. If a person visits a page initial, it is a unique pageview, but if he reloads the page or comes back to the page, it is considered as an additional pageview, not a unique one.
When you are considering clicks and visits, keep in mind there is a distinction. Clicks are when someone clicks your AdWords ad and visits are when that person actually arrives at your page. However, there are occasions when a visitor may click your ad many times. In other words, he may click your ad once, then hit the back button and click the ad again. The clicks will add up, as compared to visits. When you view your Analytics reports, you may see more clicks than visits. On the other hand, more visits than clicks are possible when someone revisits the site from a bookmark or other website link.
Hopefully, this brief explanation will help you with your marketing efforts. It is good to keep track of such stats, because these stats will help you learn how your site is doing. If you find your visits are down, then you have to promote more. If your pageviews are down, and you are getting a lot of visits, it could be the content doesn’t really satisfy the visitor’s query.
Website utilization has created more impact on people’s lives, not to exempt the medical industry. More doctors and medical professionals are now using medical website to generate more clientele and build their networks. If you are keen on having your own medical website, you must know the significance of a website in portraying your clinic.
People relies much on things that they could in an instant, available information, easily accessed services, fast communication and stuff like that. And one of them is the Internet and its wonderful benefits to its users. The Internet and website development come together in setting up of your medical website.
But, what could you get from the Internet and website?
With medical website, you can show to the world what you have, what you offer and what you can give. Since you are a service provider, it is of utmost importance that you maintain clean image, up to date information and quality contents on your website. When a visitor drops by at your medical website, accessing your information, checking your capabilities and credentials should take less than a minute only.
Since your medical website reflects your physical clinic, it must show interesting contents enough to captivate the users’ interests. Your medical website must honestly reflect your skills in your medical profession. You can show some pictures of actual procedures; post some testimonies from previous patients; and establish website links to medical institutions that you are accredited to. The Internet allows you to connect with your target market, and even to the world.
Link building plays an important role in maximizing the use of a website. Each link serves as a “vote” for the website which could lead to higher page ranking and out stand among others who are not linked. Link building is like a medical networking among websites run by medical practitioners worldwide.
There are many benefits of link building activities for medical websites. But before enjoying the benefits, website owners should first understand what link building is.
Link building is an internet marketing strategy that is best used among correlated websites. Once linked, search engines will recognize not only the main website, but also the websites linked or attached to it. More quality links mean more chances of being noticed by the search engines. And any kind of website may use this strategy.
More medical practitioners are now investing on medical websites, and link building activities are some of the major techniques being used. Link building is like gaining more popularity. And the more popular your website is, the more visitors will come in, therefore, more potential clients.
So why maintain a medical website? Well, simply because people nowadays are getting more dependent on online information. Whatever people need, people simply type it in the search engine page and they will get the answer in just a few seconds.
Get a website and make sure to build your links. Quality link building activities would help you get more out of your medical website.
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is composed of two main parts: On Page Optimisation aka Onsite Optimisation and Off Page Optimisation aka Offsite Optimisation (Link Building). While both SEO techniques work differently, they are extremely beneficial in making your site search engine friendly. The two are greatly dependent on each other because Off Page SEO is only effective if On Page SEO is implemented and vice-versa. Therefore, determining which one is better is out of the question.
On Page Optimisation – This method is especially recommendable for relatively new websites and those that are still trying to gain popularity online. On Page SEO is basically making your site more appealing to search engine robots. Keyword research and analysis, use of title and meta tags, keyword density and navigational structure are some crucial on page SEO strategies. Properly optimised content is another important element of on page optimisation. Website content should be fresh, original and useful not only for search engine spiders but for human users, too. Plus, valuable and informative content helps users easily locate your website.
Off Page Optimisation – Focused on your site’s ties with other websites, this tactic is all about backlinks and link building. An inbound link is similar to a popularity vote. Thus, the more inbound links you have, the more it becomes popular. Aside from the number of links, the quality of links also greatly matter to search engines. Off page SEO or link building can be performed in many ways like article marketing/submission, directory submissions, social bookmarking and social media marketing to list some.
So what works better, on page optimisiation or link building? Again, both are equally important and should be used together to maximise search engine benefits. The key is finding a good balance between the two SEO methods since both of them work hand in hand to boost your site’s search engine rankings.
There are a lot of people who you can employ to assist you with your marketing goals. But often, one-stop marketing agencies are more beneficial compared to specialty agencies. To further understand, read on below the benefits of a one-stop agency for all marketing jobs:
Integrated solution – Perhaps the most obvious advantage of choosing a one-stop marketing agency is that it offers an integrated solution under one umbrella. Depending on the agency, services may include PR, direct marketing, copywriting, web marketing and many others. As you only deal with one company for all your marketing requirements, there’s no need to scout for other companies for specific services.
Brand consistency – Hiring an all-in-one marketing agency can effectively maintain your brand’s consistent look and feel. Since you outsource all your marketing needs under one roof, the entire marketing team can then better understand your brand, making it easier for them to incorporate a unified message into the projects. Generally, the more agencies a client has, the harder it is to keep campaigns fluid and consistent.
Cost-efficient – Selecting a single agency for all marketing jobs is also less expensive compared to hiring various agencies. Ideal for small businesses, a one stop agency usually charges a very fair rate, and is lower than most large agencies.
Speed and Convenience – Having one point of contact coordinating all your marketing activities is definitely more convenient than getting in touch with multiple people. The process is also simpler, smoother and faster.
Loyalty – Another advantage of choosing a one stop shop marketing agency is that the agency can get to know the client very well, which is helpful in anticipating their unique needs. The marketing firm can then customize a marketing solution suitable to the client’s requirements and budget. And through time, it builds loyalty and trust.
Peace of mind – Knowing that all your marketing needs are being managed by a single agency, you can simply put your worries behind. You can as well focus on improving your business or perhaps spend more time on other things that matter most to you.
These are some of the benefits of a one stop marketing agency that you should consider for all your marketing projects. The perks are apparent; however, the real challenge is finding an all-in-one firm that ticks all the boxes you need, and can guide you through the entire process—from conceptualization to implementation.
Setting up of a website for medical practices is becoming a norm among clinics, hospitals, and doctors as well as other medical practitioners. But the question of whether your website is target-specific to clients or patients is a question not to be answered by medical terms. This can only be answered by your web design agency or web design provider who develops a website. Below are some of the top tips in selecting a web design agency to develop a medical website for your practice.
When choosing a web design agency for your medical website or simply a doctor’s website, there are important considerations that must be attended to. Listed down are just some of the commonly encountered concerns that we think are necessary and basic for the success of your medical website.
Choose a company that has all the tools and solutions needed for the success of your medical website. Choose only those who employ highly trained and skilled web developers.